Selvanathan Grapragasem




An accomplished, versatile, and enthusiastic professional with a proven track record in completing organized social compliance audits and detailed reports, with exceptional strength in team play and social / linguistic skills. Experienced in first-hand cross-cultural communication, hosting presentations, and adapting to new environments. I have obtained flexibility and versatility in problem-solving and assessing workplace risks, through conducting numerous audits of various industries across multiple countries. Strong-willed and committed to honesty and hard work, as proven by my previous positions and records.

" Effective consulting is about gathering and presenting actionable data, and helping businesses solve problems, implement solutions, and innovate. Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr "

- Selvanathan Grapragasem


1 Organizational transformation

2 ESG Performance Improvement

3 Quality Control & Assessment

4 Improving Efficiency and Cost Optimization

5 Management Development

6 ESG Management

7 Supply Chain Compliance and ESG Reporting

8 Project Management

9 Risk Management & ESG Due Diligence

10 Factory Responsible Business Support

11 Factory Improvement Plan Support (CAP Management)

12 Factory support (consultancy) on human rights and social issues, Codes of Conduct

13 Training and Capability building

14 Worker-Management Dialogue

15 Grievance Handling

16 Stakeholder Engagement & Management


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