Mei Zhou

Senior Consultant



Passionate about making a positive impact on people and the environment, I am an advisor at VECTRA International, working with organizations that wish to drive and enable responsible business practices.

I am an experienced ESG professional with a strong background in supply chain sustainability. I have served as a senior auditor, specializing in in conducting compliance due diligence audits, and have expertise in ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001 and sustainable KPI audits. In my role as a consultant, I have provided strategic sustainable plans, ESG gap analyses, and corrective acton plans to clients. I am familiar with UN standards, RBA code of conduct, RMI requirements, and the codes of conduct of various brands. With deep understanding of factory operations in Asia, I have a strong grasp of ESG best practices in supply chain.

" Open your eyes to future risks. Proper preparation helps you navigate them successfully. "

- Mei Zhou


1 ESG Performance Improvement

2 Quality Control & Assessment

3 Improving Efficiency and Cost Optimization

4 Management Development

5 ESG Management

6 ESG Standards

7 Optimizing Supply Chain & Product Sourcing Management

8 Supply Chain Compliance and ESG Reporting

9 Project Management

10 Program Management & Tracking

11 Risk Management & ESG Due Diligence

12 Crisis Management

13 Factory Responsible Business Support

14 Factory Improvement Plan Support (CAP Management)

15 Factory support (consultancy) on human rights and social issues, Codes of Conduct

16 Training and Capability building

17 Worker-Management Dialogue

18 Grievance Handling

19 Recruitment Support


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