Adriano Diniz Costa

Advisor/Senior Consultant



Specialist in the development of tools for the implementation of management strategies and ESG indicators in large companies

Adviser to companies for the implementation of clean/renewable energy technologies (Zero Carbon)

Advisor / Mentor of C-Level professionals for adherence strategies to ESG and ODS criteria

Systemic thinker creator of the ’Quantum Process Analysis’ method, an innovative project in the field of International Due Diligence

Specialist in fundraising for clean/renewable energy and water projects

Socio-environmental Risk Analyst in Productive Chains

Brazilian representative of the Working Group responsible for creating the international standard for responsible soy production (RTRS - Round Table of Responsible Soy)

Invited expert to review the ISE - BOVESPA Corporate Sustainability Index

Specialist with extensive international experience in Human Rights at Work, in topics such as Forced Labor, Child Labor, Discrimination, Moral/Sexual Harassment, Accessibility, Inclusion, Working Hours, Union Relations, among others.

International auditor with extensive experience in global standards such as SA 8000 (Social Responsibility, BONSUCRO (Sugarcane), RTRS - Round Table of Responsible Soy Standard, IFC Performance Standard (International Finance Corporation), Equator Principles, ODS, among others.

" (...) Success in any endeavor is always derived from acting in harmony with the PRINCIPLES to which the success is tied. Covey,Stephen R. (The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People) "

- Adriano Diniz Costa


1 Organizational Transformation

2 ESG Performance Improvement

3 Quality Control & Assessment

4 Improving Efficiency and Cost Optimization

5 Management Development

6 ESG Management

7 ESG Standards

8 Optimizing Supply Chain & Product Sourcing Management

9 Supply Chain Compliance and ESG Reporting

10 Project Management

11 Program Management & Tracking

12 Risk Management & ESG Due Diligence

13 Crisis Management

14 Factory Responsible Business Support

15 Factory Improvement Plan Support (CAP Management)

16 Factory support (consultancy) on human rights and social issues, Codes of Conduct

17 Training and Capability building

18 Worker-Management Dialogue

19 Grievance Handling