Mahbubur Rahman Khan




Mahbubur Rahman Khan has worked as a consultant for different organizations since 2002 right after finishing his internship at PwC and is specialised in assessing, improving & advocating supply chains in the textile & leather industry in Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. He provided services for large retailers and fashion brands of EU countries. In this function he took part in projects like social & workers dialogue, living wages survey, energy efficiency, carbon footprint evaluation, and chemical management. He has widely experienced to manage and track record for Cotton-made-in-Africa members with a cotton-based organization’s advisor.

Additionally, he is an expert in international Banking (i.e., World Bank, ADB), Bangladesh Central banking regulatory panellist, account & Internal Audit, management consulting, and IT professional. Mahbubur Rahman Khan can look back on many years of management experience in the diversified & versatile field before he became involved with sustainability topics with a focus on established sustainable business ecosystems.


1 Management Development

2 Optimizing Supply Chain & Product Sourcing Management

3 Project Management

4 Crisis Management

5 Factory Responsible Business Support

6 Factory Improvement Plan Support (CAP Management)

7 Factory support (consultancy) on human rights and social issues, Codes of Conduct

8 Training and Capability building

9 Worker-Management Dialogue

10 Grievance Handling


Assists In


Sector Experience